How to Win Game in Clash Royale
Winning Games is Clash Royal might appear like the basically what
the entire game is about, but it's not. A good player can gain from
losing games and what happens off the battle field is as important as
what happens on it. That said, you winning is important and this page
will provide you with tips, hints, strategies, and help to greatly
improve your skills and make you a better player. Follow these
suggestions and you'll improve eventually to the point where people
start to ask you how to win at Clash Royale.
This page is divided into sections based on the various areas you need
to master to win. The first discuses several overall strategy types and
you need to understand the basics of each. The second section discusses
various tips for offense, defense, elisir management and more
Game Strategies
Winning games involves either taking your opponent's king tower or
taking more towers than your opponent. This, generally involves taking
your opponent's towers and defending yours. Some strategies involve
focusing on offensive or defense almost exclusively. Some strategies
involve trying to weaken your opponent's tower a little at a time, and
some involve trying to destory it all with one attack. Some are
very risking and based on luck, while others are more based on various
other things. Here are some of the most common game strategies:
- Beat down strategy - this strategy is to have a relatively
expensive deck where you defend and wait for your moment to strike and
then try to attack with such a powerful attack that no defense can stop
it. Terms like Beat down and Beat down deck require patience and
frequently are based on a strategy of waiting until later in the game
to go all out on the attack. These strategies work best against
the dagger duches. The idea is to simply overpower your opponent in one
strong attack. An example of a beat down deck is a deck with an elixir
collector, golem, electro dragon, healer, and night witch. The deck
would play defensive until it can launch a full attack of a golem ahead
of the e dragon, healher, and night witch. Perhaps with earthquate or
poison too.
- Fast Cycle strategy - this is exactly the opposite. The goal
with this deck is to attack frequently and do a little damage every
other attack. An example of this might be hog rider with evolved
skelotons, ice golem, 1 or 2 spirits and a strategy of cycling to that
hog rider faster than your opponent can cycle his defense building.
- Distraction strategy - This strategy relies on trying to get
your opponent to over commit or get behind in elixir. You try stuff
like splitting royal hogs, splitting wallbreakers, attacking on both
sides, droping elite barbarians or bandits at the river, and similar.
The idea is to force our opponent to try to deal with too much at once
and try to get him without elixir when he needs it. If well done, your
opponent will spend the game behind, rusing around and reacting just a
spilt second too late all the time.
- Rock/Paper/Scissors - some strategies relly on getting luck
or waiting for a surprise all, out, sneak attack. if your opponent
doesn't have anti-air, bloon should work well. If your opponent only
has big cards and nothing that resets sparky or inferno dragon, these
cards can be devistating. mother witch can really work well against
skeleton army. This strategy is to start a game defensive, learn your
opponent's hand and, as needed, bait out his counter to your attack.
Then, when he doesn't have anything good in cycle, destory his tower
going all out with the attack he can't defend. This is risky as he
could have 4 cards that defend against what you have. It puts you in
situations where some games are basically impossible. That said, well
done, it can make some games very easy wins.
- Balanced stategy - Some players have better cards or are
very good with tactics and can win with identical cards. They are
better at tactics and faster at reacting well. A balanced strategy uses
a deck with as few weaknesses as possible and tries to win with skill
in the game.
- Counter Strategy - Some players develop decks and have a
strategy designed specifically to counter one or a few other
decks. This is usually for mid level players who see certain
cards every single game or even certain decks. They develop a deck and
strategy designed to counter that common deck that should easily win if
that deck is pick, and have a decent chance against other common
decks. Some cards, at some levels are so common that this
actually works well. The can work especially well for challenges that
boost certain cards. Having a deck designed around stopping a boosted
card can often be highly effective.
- Double Threat/hidden threat - A double Threat strategy is to
have a deck that can attack two ways and a strategy designed to get
your opponent to focus on defending against one of these and then
unleast the other to win the game. For example you might have bloon and
skeloton barrell and only every use skeloton barrel and hide that you
have bloon. Or you might have hog and royal hogs and hide that you have
one of them. Whatever you are hiding, you keep unused. Then, you faint
an attack using your main attack card and wait to see if your opponent
uses up all his elixir to defend. If he does, you unlesh your hidden
attack strong enough to take out the other tower. There are other
variations, but the basic strategy is to hide your main attack until
late game and surprise him with something he isn't ready to defend
These tips should help any strategy become a little better with tips to help improve your gameplay.
Offensive Tips
- It's usually best to use higher hit point units ahead of weaker units so they can tank for them
- Avoid grouping together a lot of lower hitpoint units so they will not be wiped out with a spell at good value for your opponent
- don't overspend elixir on the attack
- Almost never attack with under 9 elixir. This is a huge problem for bad players. Having patience is important
- Some cards should almost never be used in single elixir like the elixir golem or very expensive cards that target buildings
- NEVER clone your elixir golem, it iwll give your opponent a lot of free elixir
- Always have more than one strategy to darmage your opponent's
tower or you could instant lose if your opponent has multiple great
counters for your attack
- often the best offense is a good defense
- It's ok to do an attack you expect will do no tower damage if it
will draw out elixir from your opponent and give you and advantage
- It's often worthwhile to cycle evolutions and attack when they are ready
- Units like magic archer, firecraker, and evolved bomber can
splash or slice through units to hit the tower behind them. Lining
these up well can do significant damage
- Morter and X-Bow can attack over the river
- Some units can push others forward from behind like giant
skeleton and skeleton barrel. Putting skelton barrel, for example,
behind a lava golem or bloon can speed it up and work well together.
- using monk ability on dagger duchess can be powerful
Defensive Tips
- Use your towers to help defend, most of the time that can really help
- when you can't destroy a unit easily with another, you can
sometimes distract it with a 1 elixir unit to pull it away from your
- When you don't have anti-air, it can help to block units at the river so you tower can target them
- Monk can reflect sparky, rocket, and other spell targeting your tower or units
- Buildings can redirect units away from your tower
- Splash troops are good against groups of units but often weaker against single units
- Don't over commit on offense or defeanse, try to leave some elixir for trick attacks
- Sometimes, the best defense is a good offense. If your opponent
has an attack you can't stop, your only option may be to attack and
kill him first or not let him build up for an attack against you
- Always have atleast 1, usually 2 spells.
- learn how to activate your king tower against megaknight, firecracker, and similar cards
Elixir Management Tips
- Try to take advantage of some common opportunities to move ahead in elixir for example:
- Goblin barrel can usually be countered by some goblins, a
spirit, a bowler, and a log, or something else early game. Sometimes
even trading a little tower damage can be worth getting a 3 elixir
- Same is true for Goblin Drill, if you can counter it with
Skeleton King or a similar card and not use spells, your opponent has
spent 4 elixir on a card that dies to your card that still move forward
to attack with health
- Hog rider can be countered sometimes by minipekka, megaknight,
or a similar card and, again, that card can take no damage and attack
gaining 4 elixir
- The same is true for royal giant, giant, and many other cards.
Early game, it is sometimes best to counter this win conditions with
strong cards that you can counter attack with even if you take a little
tower damage at first
- Early on elixir comes more slowly and so a single mistake or
opportunity can win the game. Don't rush to attack, rather wait for you
opponent to make a mistake early.
- Sometimes you can bait out elixir. for example, if you split up
royal hogs and send 2 each lane, your opponent may use up all his
elixir on defense and you can get an advantage. The same is true with
splitting goblin gang, archers, and other similar cards
- Don't let elixir leak
- Try to learn all your opponent's cards and his attack strategy
before you take any risks. Keep elixir in reserve and a diversity of
- Don't play cards purely to cycle unless you cannot avoid it. 1
elixir cards might look cheap, but spending even 1 elixir on a card
that give you no value isn't great. Try to avoid that. Try
to only put cards in your deck that you actually plan to use and gain
value form.
Other Tips
- Sometimes you have a bad card cycle and your opponent has the
counter lined up for all your cards and you don't have the right cards
ready when you need them. In this situation, rather than picking the
best option over and over of bad choices and losing, you should shake
things up and try to fix it. Try an attack or delay or whatever you
need to in order to fix the bad card cycle. A one in 5 chance to win is
better than a sure loss.